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GR-3173: Cables for Use in FTTA Applications

Cables For Use in Fiber To The Antenna Applications

GR-3173, Generic Requirements for Hybrid Optical and Electrical Cables for Use in Wireless Outdoor Fiber To The Antenna (FTTA) Applications

GR-3173 sets forth proposed generic technical requirements and characteristics of hybrid optical and electrical cables for use in wireless Fiber To The Antenna (FTTA) applications. The initial focus is on hybrid optical and electrical cables for outdoor tower applications, including connections between local and remote base stations.

GR-3173 is also intended to specify sampling criteria and test methodology information for Independent Test Laboratories (ITLs) to provide consistent and repeatable results for hybrid optical and electrical cable test programs.

This GR document depends heavily on accepted National and International standards activities.

GR-3173 includes:

  • Proposed functional design criteria.
  • Generic environmental, mechanical, optical, and electrical performance requirements.
  • Qualification requirements from product manufacturers.
  • Test procedures to verify that a particular cable product meets the specified criteria.